Chester County’s Children, Inc.
We are a nonprofit, 501 (c)(3) charitable organization serving Chester County’s underprivileged and needy children. The organization works in conjunction with the Chester County Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF). We provide financial aid for families in crisis and children up to age 21 being served by DCYF or living in foster care. Chester County’s Children, Inc. relies on donations from individuals, businesses, private companies and foundations. These donations provide funding for specific needs for families in crisis which cannot be funded through governmental sources to care for children referred to us by DCYF.
A volunteer Board of Directors chairs the organization, which functions without paid staff and with minimal administrative costs. Each year, hundreds of children receive assistance from Chester County’s Children, Inc. In addition to short-term assistance with housing, utilities, clothing or furnishings, our biggest impact to these at-risk youth is providing summer camp experiences thorough our Sister Maria Consuelo Sparks Summer Camp Program…read below for the positive feedback we have received.
The children are very shy, and it was good for them to be put in situations where they had to make friends. They both did well at camp and reportedly got along well with everyone!
They really enjoyed being all together for an overnight camp during the week, and had fun participating in the crafts, and challenging one another in the games. They also enjoyed the outdoor group activities, and learned about team work. The girls each took home at least one phone number of a friend from camp to have for when they arrived home, and they have all been in touch at least once with the new friends they made at camp!
I made some new friends, and had a great time skateboarding! The best skateboard skill I learned was how to “drop in!”